Preventing Panic Attacks

Preventing Panic Attacks

Just about the Holy Grail for panic sufferers, is finding a method of preventing panic attacks. There are lots of different theories out there; some doctors say that medication is the best method, whilst others point to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) as the panacea in preventing panic attacks. However, the bottom line is that the best way of preventing panic attacks is to go after the root cause.

I help panic attack sufferers on a daily basis and can tell you this….. If you suffer panic attacks, you have been through a lot in your life! It’s the common thread, its true every single time, whether man or woman, adult or child. And I’ll tell you something else….. 90% of you will have suffered abuse of one type or another, whether it was physical, mental, verbal or sexual. I have even come across a case where the abuse was cyber abuse! But abuse is at least partly to blame in nearly every case I deal with and I have yet to come across a tablet for that!

That’s why traditional therapy has such limited success. I remember going to the doctors myself, complaining of being constantly tired and lacking energy only to be told, time and again that I needed to lose weight and that I was getting older and had to accept that things slow down as you age. Three years this went on before my wife insisted I see a specialist, who discovered that I had sleep apnoea. Once he tackled the cause, I felt great again and so it is with preventing panic attacks, you can only succeed by putting the cause right first.

OK so how do you treat the cause? It’s all to do with the way we store memories in our brain. Modern therapies such as Thought Field Therapy (TFT) are successful in preventing panic attacks because they change the way we perceive events that have happened to us and with this change of perception comes a change in the response of the nervous system, the initiator of panic attacks. Effective panic attack treatment can be obtained from BeOnForm, who specialise in modern methods for preventing panic attacks.








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