Conditions - Phobias - Social Phobia

Break free of your Social Phobia.

Free yourself of the dread of upcoming events and enjoy socialising without worry. Being introduced to strangers might well have scared you in the past, but that needn’t be your future reality. Socialising with friends should be an uplifting event, why not enjoy life.
Thanks to remarkable improvements in complementary medicine, the power to make social phobia a distant memory is within your grasp.

Seize the day, act now, because if not now, then when?

View testimonials from clients who have been cured of phobias.

Don’t delay contact us today, your future happiness depends on you taking action!

How can BeOnForm help?

Each phobia is different, for example your fear of flying, might really be a fear of ‘lack of control’ or of ‘claustrophobia,’ so in the first instance exact identification of the fear is essential. Once that is established a blend of the QFT © techniques will ensure rapid removal of your phobia.

Quantum Field Therapy © (QFT ©) a unique blend of Thought Field Therapy (TFT), Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Reiki, Guided Visualisation / Journey Therapy, Regression Therapy, Meditation, Alpha Access, Use of Meta language, Mind Calming and Applied kinesiology (AK), developed and practised by BeOnForm has proven over and over again to be superior to any single treatment when tailored to each individual case.

What can I expect from treatment?

During your initial consultation a BeOnForm practitioner will discuss and agree with you, the treatment options available to you, before, with your consent, proceeding with therapy. This consultation / Treatment session will last for 2 hours, most clients typically requiring only one or two sessions...
The time to take action is now, contact us today

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